AMGLib (Additive Manufacturing Generic Library) fabrikazio gehigarrian (3d printing, Additive Manufacturing) fokalizatutako plataforma anitzeko SDK bat da. AMGLib programaren helburua CAM (Cad-Aided Manufacturing) ereduak sortzeko beharrezko eragiketa geometrikoak orokortzea da. AMGLib algoritmoak ditu CAM 2D eta 3D ibilbideak sortzeko, aldatzeko, optimizatzeko eta formatu neutroetan esportatzeko, fabrikazio gehigarriko makinara pertsonalizatzeko post-prozesatuak izan daitezen.
Design for AM and Digital pre-processing
Simultaneous different material support including instructions for tool or material change
Generation of trajectories for filling 100% of flat regions
Support for multi-layer models with OFF movements that avoid going through already printed areas
Generation of trajectories of different patterns at different fill percentages
Support for multi-part models, including different printing strategies and optimized algorithms that reduce the number of OFF moves
In combination with the “Geomlib” Asset, generate a slicing of a given CAD and, for each cut made, generate a fill trajectory. The complete program allows printing of the input CAD model
AMGLIB allows to generate fill strategies with multiple options exposed in an easily extensible API or SDK