Fabrikazio Aditiboko RENISHAW AM250 makina LPBF teknologiarekin (Laser Powder Bed Fusion), ohiko fabrikazio-prozesuekin alderatuta balio erantsia duten metalezko piezak fabrikatzeko (egitura konplexuak, lattice egiturak eta topologikoki optimizatuak, barne-barrunbeak, etab.). Eraikuntzaren gehieneko bolumena 250x250 mm2-koa da, 300 mm-ko altuerarekin, eta makinarekin batera hautsa bahetzeko sistema bat dago, berreskuratzeko eta berrerabiltzeko. Hainbat material erabil ditzake: erreminta-altzairua, Ti aleazioak, 306L altzairu herdoilgaitza, aluminioa, Inconel, etab. Instalazioak sentsoreak ditu prozesu-parametro nagusiak kanpotik hartzeko, InfiniAM Zentraleko softwarearen/plataformaren bidez. Makina eta ingurunea garbitzeko, uretan hautsak xurgatzeko sistema bat dago.
AM Digital Chain.
AM process validation
AM/3D Printing Process
Design for AM and Digital pre-processing
Materials for 3D/AM
Post process
Powder conditioning sieve unit by Russell
Sieving unit by Russel for metal powder conditioning
RENISHAW AM250 machine for Additive Manufacturing
AM machine with LPBF technology with a maximum working volume of 250 x 250 mm2 in area and 300 mm in height
Ruwac wet separator
Ruwac wet separator
Disseminate additive manufacturing technology as a whole (process, machines, capacities, markets, etc.) holding theoretical-practical workshops, with the asset itself as a work tool.
After defining the industrialisation process, either using only AM technology or merged with other processes, search for suppliers for series production.
Training activities related to Additive Manufacturing technology in Vocational Training. The asset is the basic training tool.
A set of educational activities related to Additive Manufacturing technology aimed at improving competences of teachers. The asset is the basic training tool.
Training related to Additive Manufacturing technology aimed at technicians from companies that do currently not have the technology, and merging this technology in their production processes would bring them a competitive advantage, or at companies that already work with this technology.
- Study of the industrialisation of a new part reference or redesigned part using additive manufacturing technology. - Integration of additive manufacturing processes in the productive chains, merging them with the current processes.