Hutseko indukzio labea denbora errealean metalaren berotze eta urtze prozesua neurtzeko sistema integratuarekin (potentzia galerak, efisientzia,…), baita moldearen galdaketa eta solidifikazio prozesua kontrolatzeko ekipamendua (hoste abiadura, microegitura eboluzioa,…). Aleazioak gehitzeko sistema eta moldeak berotzeko ekipamendua 1200ºC-tara baidu, konbinatu al dena galdaketa zentrifuarekin 350rpm-tara Ezaugarriak: · Balio handiko aplikazioentzako (aeronautika, bioingenieritza,…) aleazio berriak lortu eta ikertzeko. · Indukzio sistemen eta hurtse prozesuaren karakterizazio aurreratuak · Molde iraunkorrak baita zeramikoak ikerketa experimentalak eta simulazio bitartez. · Mikroegituraren eboluzioa eta faseen aldaketak karakterizazio aurreraturak. · Metala eta moldearen, edota metala era atmosferaren arteko erreakzio quimikoen karakterizazio aurreratuak
Advanced unions
Coatings and Surfaces solutions
Design and development of materials
Manufacturing processes
Materials and processes in Circular Economy
Real-time system monitorization equipped for the melting process analysis (state of charge, quantification of heat losses, energy efficiency, ...) as well as the state of the mould and solidification process during casting (cooling velocity, microstructure evolution, ...). The facility has also the capability of adding alloying elements so as to design and develop new chemical compositions; but also mould preheating equipment up to 1200ºC in the protective atmosphere combinable with centrifugal casting system up to 350 rpm.
Study and development of new super alloys for high added value applications (aeronautics, bioengineering, ...)
Advanced characterization test of the induction heating process and ISM melting of metal alloys
Numerical analysis and experimental development of permanent and ceramic precision moulds for obtaining demonstration samples
Advanced characterization tests of the process for phase formation and microstructure growth
Reactivity characterization tests through the analysis of metal-mould and / or metal-atmosphere interactions