Neurri txikiko piezen mekanizazioan lan-baldintzak bilatzeko mikro-mekanizazio eta zehaztasun handiko mekanizazio zelula. Mikrofresatzeko makina batek eta mikrotorno batek osatzen dute zelula. Zelula horretan hainbat ekipo daude (off line/on line) prozesua monitorizatzeko eta datuak biltzeko: indarrak, tenperaturak, tresnaren higadura, zimurtasuna, hondar-tentsioak neurtzeko sentsoreak, makroskopioak eta perfilometroak. Era berean, prozesuaren aldagaiak, sarrera-parametroen arabera, aurreikusteko softwarea du.
Precision and Micro Machining
Devices and sensors for monitoring and studying the micromachining process
Devices and sensors for monitoring and studying the micromachining process: force, vibrations, thermography, dimensions, surface roughness, etc.
Equipment for verification of surface integrity, residual stresses and roughness.
Equipment for verification of surface integrity, residual stresses and roughness.
Precision micro turning machine for diameters up to 0.5mm.
Micromilling Machine Kern Evo
Precision micro-milling machine. Machining with 0.1mm tools. 500-50000 rpm. 3.4 kW - 0.8 Nm.
Software for the prediction of process results
Software for the prediction of process results: vibrations/chatter, cutting forces and powers, temperatures, roughness, distortions, etc
Search for working conditions (cutting tools, cutting conditions, cooling, etc.) through experimental tests and modelling that guarantee the optimum surface integrity conditions in critical components. End users of machining components for aeronautics, railway, automotive, and energy sectors.
Training courses for professionals: entry level and experienced workers. - End users of machine tools. - Machine tool builders.