Teknologi ezberdinetan oinarritutako soluzio multimateriala (metal-metala, metal-konposatua) aztertzea eta garatzea, eskura dauden teknologietan oinarrituta (lotura itsasgarria, laser-batasuna, VCSE lotura, lotura mekanikoa, parametro garrantzitsu nagusien ikuskapena eta kontrola, eta abar), eta prozesu horren etapa guztiak (besteak beste, lotura itsasgarria, laser-batasuna, bCSE lotura, lotura mekanikoa, ikuskapen eta kontrol metodoa ezartzea).
Advanced unions
Coatings and Surfaces solutions
Design and development of materials
Manufacturing processes
Materials and processes in Circular Economy
Cell for joining of multimaterial components
Cell for joining of multimaterial components based on VCSEL technology: High power VCSEL module of 4,8kW power, temperature closed-loop control system
Cell for mechanical joining
Cell for mechanical joining of multimaterial components (G1.6 servo electric riveting system with a C-frame rated for riveting forces up to 80kN)
Robotic cell
Robotic cell for laser joining of multimaterial components: Diode laser of 3,1kW with different focusing optics, Fanuc robot, clamping devices for joint characterization (lap shear, cross tensile strength, peeling), flexible end-effector for joining of 3D geometries, supervision and closed-loop control system
Rotary forging
Rotary forging experimental unit with 350 kW motor and 12 KNm as maximum torque. This unit is set inside the hydraulic press (800 T)
Design, modelling, characterization and validation of joints. The optimal solution for multimaterial joining will be selected depending on the material combination and the component requirements. Also, is possible to implement the hybridization of different technologies.