Vicomtech-ek development toolkits (SDK) eHST eta GYDRA softwareak eskaintzen ditu osasun digitaleko aplikazioetarako. eHST datuak aztertzeko cloud aplikazioetarako eta erabakiak hartzeko euskarri sistemetarako SDK bat da. GYDRA cloud aplikazio bat da, datu biomedikoak garbitzeko, iragazteko eta idazteko prozesuak sinplifikatzen dituena, aurreprozesatzeko lan-orduak aurreztuz eta informazioaren erauzketa maximizatuz. Informazio gehiagorako:
Digital health
eHST eHealth Software Toolkit
eHST is a toolkit for rapid-prototyping and fast development for data analysis and decision support systems in eHealth and mHealth applications. It implements a broad range of algorithms and visual analytics approaches, allowing personalised, predictive, and preventive medicine approaches.
GYDRA Get Your Data Ready for Analysis
GYDRA is a customisable tool to facilitate the data wrangling process through interactive and visual tools, taking advantage of machine learning algorithms. It simplifies the most tedious and time-consuming part of data analysis, allowing to transform easily raw data into information ready for analysis, saving hours of time in cumbersome cleaning, filtering, and annotation processes.
Prototyping and development of cloud applications for digital health and decision support, including machine learning applications, visual analytics and predictive modelling.
Development and prototyping of statistical applications applied to biomedicine, including big data management of large volumes of data and harmonisation of multiple data sources.