Large 3D metal printing by laser cladding in wire: 6 degree robotic cell (gdl) with a turntable and additional tilt (2 gdl) for the construction of large components (up to approximately 1m3 in volume) at high deposition rates of up to 6kg/h. Possibility of depositing in external structures with a material cost similar to the arch (WAAM) with free path generation. Possibility of depositing and investigating the 3D geometries generated in any thread material. In addition to this asset, Tekniker includes structural calculation capabilities (topological optimization), material analysis (optical and electronic microscopy), 5-axis machining operations, thermal treatments, surface coatings and the generation of deposition paths for robots suitable for concentric powder and wire technology. Additionally, specimens and components can be manufactured in oxygen reactive materials due to the bag system that generates an atmosphere in inert gas due to overpressure.
AM Digital Chain.
AM process validation
AM/3D Printing Process
Design for AM and Digital pre-processing
Post process
Supporting technologies and processes
Bag system for atmosphere control
Closed loop geometric control system
Fibre laser 4kW
Robot and table with 8 degrees of freedom for components up to 1m3. CAM for robot path generation
Wire deposition head
Testing of large three-dimensional components manufacturing (>300mm) at high deposition rates on various air-reacting materials using wire-based LMD technology
Development of closed loop control systems for geometric and thermal control of deposited material.
Demonstrator of large component construction by concentric wire deposition in advanced/new materials and oxygen reactive materials
Development, testing and validation of special equipment and technology (heads, optics) for deposition in special environments or geometries. Adaptation of machinery for hybridization using wire-based technology.
Development of deposition parameters and strategies for new metal alloys. Testing (metallography, fatigue, mechanical characterization, etc.).
Practical training in the whole process (design, calculation, material analysis, process, coatings, NDT) of construction of large components by concentric wire deposition.