Robotikako laborategia, kirurgia laparoskopiko robotizatua errazteko tresna medikoak garatzera bideratua, eta exoeskeletoak lesioak prebenitzeko. Produktuen saiakuntzak, tresna kirurgikoen prototipoak eta exoeskeletoak egiteko aukera ematen du, Tecnaliak laborategi honetan eskaintzen dituen sistema robotiko medikoetan txerta daitezkeenak. Sistema hau, nagusiki, beso robotiko teleoperatuak, kontrol kontsola, 3D ikusmen sistema, roboten mugimendua kontrolatzeko interfaze haptikoak eta exoeskeleto sentsorizatuak dira.
Electromedical devices
Medical Image
Kuka LWR cooperative robotic arm
Kuka LWR cooperative robotic arm, 7 degrees of freedom. It can be tele-operated, commanded by haptic interfaces.
Omega-3 Haptic interface
Omega-3 Haptic interface (from Force Dimension), with 3 active force feedback.
Panda cooperative robot
Panda cooperative robot (from Franka Emika) with 7 degrees of freedom. It can be tele-operated, commanded by haptic interfaces.
Sigma 7 Haptic interface (from Force Dimension)
Sigma 7 Haptic interface (from Force Dimension), with 7 active degrees-of-freedom force feedback.
UR 5 cooperative robot
UR 5 cooperative robot (from Universal Robots), with 6 degrees of freedom. It can be tele-operated, commanded by haptic interfaces.
Specification of the relevant standards for the development of surgical tools or the integration of surgical robots
Assessment of the feasibility of the integration of an exoskeleton in manipulation tasks. Usability and acceptance tests.
Assessment of the feasibility of medical imaging solution aimed to surgical applications
Assessment of the feasibility of a robotic solution aimed to surgical applications
Assessment of the feasibility of the integration of a surgical tool in a surgical robotic system