Aktibo honek barne hartzen ditu: a) aplikazio berriztagarrietarako biltegiratze-sistemak dimentsionatzeko SW aplikazio bat; b) instalazio berriztagarriak eta merkatu elektrikoetako biltegiratze-sistemak planifikatzeko eta operatzeko plataforma digitaletarako energia-kudeaketako estrategia bat; eta c) sare elektrikoetako biltegiratze-sistemen kudeaketa optimoa eta proaktiboa ahalbidetzen duen algoritmo bat, biltegiratze sistemen egoera desberdinen estimazio zehatzaren bidez, bai eta haien operazioan oinarritutako bizitza erabilgarriaren iragarpenaren bidez ere.
Integration of distributed generation and storage. Microgrids
Optimal grid operation and demand management
PREDICT Li: Li-ion battery degradation prediction tool based on data-driven algorithms
This software incorporates an algorithm to predict the degradation of lithium-ion batteries based on their operation. The algorithm is able to continuously learn from operating data collected from systems deployed in different applications, using digitalised BMSs.
Procedure and installation for the electrical energy management
This is a procedure for the energy management of the centralised operation of a renewable portfolio with storage systems, which aims to maximise the economic profitability of renewable generators. After applying this procedure, it is possible to operate renewable systems in a reliable manner, as well as to find a balance between the income obtained from the sale of energy on the electricity market and the costs associated with the degradation of the storage system.
Software for the energy management of a renewable plant with storage
This is a tool aimed at the techno-economic evaluation of a renewable plant (wind and/or photovoltaic) with storage operating in energy markets and adjustment services in the Iberian market. It aims to determine the optimal sizing of the storage system to maximise the profitability of the plant(s).
Transfer of technology for the implementation of advanced life estimation algorithm to make Battery Management Systems (BMS) more intelligent. Accurate prediction of the remaining useful life of the storage system provides key information, which allows an optimal adaptation of its operation, with the aim of maximising its useful life and minimising its operation cost.
Transfer of technology in the field of ESS integration. These are advanced energy management strategies that combine both planning and operation of renewable plants with storage. They are focused on the participation of the plants in the energy markets and grid services.
Transfer of technology in the field of ESS integration. ESS sizing tools are essential for the design phase of a renewable plant with storage, as they make it possible to determine how much capacity to install in a given application to maximise profitability considering the useful life of the installation.