Zeramika eta erregogorrentzako materialak eta fabrikazio gehigarriko prozesuak aztertzeko laborategia. Materialen garapen eta prestaketara zuzenduta, inprimaketaren azterketa hiru teknologia erabiliz: binder jetting (hauts ohea), robocasting (pasta estrusioa) eta estereolitografia, baita postprozesatzea (aglutinatzaileak kentzea eta sinterizazioa).
Materials for 3D/AM
AM/3D Printing Process
Binder Jetting - ZCorp 510
Equipment addressed to research and development of binder jetting based processes.
Stereolithography - - Anycubic Mono X
Equipment adapted to the experimental study of ceramic based resins based on the stereolitography technology (DLP).
Robocasting - WASP 2040 Turbo 2
It allows a flexible and open-source study of the robocasting processes (paste extrusion).
Design, set-up and tuning of ceramic and refractory materials for its additive manufacturing. Technical and traditional ceramics manufacturers. Foundry and steelmaking industries. Energy and aerospace sector.
It includes three additive technologies: binder jetting, robocasting and stereolitography. Technical and traditional ceramics manufacturers. Foundry and steelmaking industries. Energy and aerospace sector.
Thermal treatments for the densification of materials (organic binder burn-out and sintering. Technical and traditional ceramics manufacturers. Foundry and steelmaking industries. Energy and aerospace sector.