High productivity 5 axis ZVH 45/1600 Add+Process Multiprocess machining center from Ibarmia manufacturer, with moving column and tilting head, for turning in horizontal (ø=750mm) and vertical (ø=1100mm) plates, machining in 5 axis with A+B and B+C and additive manufacturing by LMD-powder technolgy. The X/Y/Z and B axis courses are of 1600/800/900 and +105º (+45º with LMD head) respectively. Toolpath programming and simulation in the commercial Powermill® CAM software. Measuring of manufactured part by structured light technology.
AM Digital Chain.
AM process validation
AM/3D Printing Process
Materials for 3D/AM
Post process
Supporting technologies and processes
4-stream YC52 LMD head from Precitec manufacturer
Laser Source FL030 MM(FFC/FFS) 3kW fiber laser from Rofin manufacturer with a refrigeration system from Lotec manufacturer
Machining center ZVH Multiprocess 45/1600 Add+Process from Ibarmia manufacturer
Structured Light technology cameras for parts measurement
Thermographic camera OPTRIS (Temperature of 1000-2000ºC)
Integration, evaluation and advice in the improvement of new equipment, sensors and accessories for additive manufacturing by LMD (3D measurement scanners, LMD heads, postprocessors, simulation tools, etc.).
Optimization of process parameters, material selection for improvement of properties (hardness, wear resistance, etc.) of areas subjected to high wear.
Development of databases and models that relate the characteristics of the added material (geometry) with the monitored process parameters.
Optimization of part manufacturing through combination of machining and LMD processes. Development of toolpaths and manufacturing of a demonstrator part.
Parameters optimization, toolpath programming and simulation, 3D part manufacturing or feature addition, finishing by machining and part measuring.
Defect detection by structured light technology, restructuring of the part by machining, laser cladding and finishing. Capability of automating the entire repairing/recovery process
To give support in the redesign of the parts that are going to be manufactured by LMD
Powder characterization, evaluation of the processability of new powders by means of the LMD technology, characterization of metallurgical/mechanical properties that are obtained when processing by LMD, search of optimum LMD parameters for processing the powder.
Practical training in the LMD process and machine management.