Aktibo horretan, diseinu eta eraikuntza propioko ekipoak eta sentsoreak integratzen dira, eta jakintza hainbat diziplinatan banatzen da, eta horrek aukera hauek ematen ditu: - Materialen eta prozesuen modelizazioa garatzeko - Materialaren monitorizazioa NDT teknika elektromagnetikoen bidez garatzeko eta seinaleak beren egoerarekin korrelatzeko. - IKTak monitorizazioan aplikatzeko - Datuen tratamendua eta kudeaketa, prozesua kontrolatzeko eta optimizatzeko Helburua materialak hobetzeko estrategiak diagnostikatzeko bitartekoak ematea da eta kalitatea kontrolatzeko sistema eraginkorragoak eta seguruagoak ezartzea.
Coatings and Surfaces solutions
Design and development of materials
Manufacturing processes
Commercial software
Finite elements, thermodynamic/kinetic calculation programs and home-made models for materials and processes
Conventional and induction thermal treatment laboratory
Conventional and induction thermal treatment laboratory
Equipment for the simulations of thermo-mechanical processes
Torsion test machine that allows simulating multipass thermo-mechanical sequences and cooling conditions
Metallurgical models
Metallurgical models for steel transformation processes
NDT sensors
NDT sensors developed in Ceit-IK4 based in electromagnetic techniques
Development of hybrid models for the material and process that combines metallurgical models with data arising from heterogeneous sources (industrial practice, sensors, mechanical testing, etc) for optimizing the robustness of the process and achieving more consistent properties. These models will be applied on-line to control the process. Oriented to the steel sector, in the production and transformation as well as conventional and induction thermal treatments.
Analysis and interpretation of the monitoring signals (sensorics) based on the metallurgical knowledge as the way to assess the state of the material in some processing stages or in-service behavior. Quality control of the product. Oriented to the steel sector, in the production and transformation as well as thermal treatments. Also for service behavior and monitoring of remaining life.
Metallurgical models that aims at predicting the evolution of the material through all the hot working process or thermal treatment and final mechanical properties of the material. Oriented to the steel sector, in hot forming processes as well as thermal treatments.
Simulation of the industrial process through lab equipment that allows analyzing relevant aspects such as the ductility of the material, the processing windows, the choice of the optimized sequence or the limitations of the material. Oriented to the steel sector, in the production and transformation as well as thermal treatments.