Desktop Metal Studio Fabrikazio Aditiboaren Instalazioa BMD teknologiarekin (Bound Metal Deposition) FDM teknologian oinarrituta dago material metalikoekin lan egiteko. 3 ekipok osatzen dute prozesu osoa: inprimagailua, debinder edo aglutinatzailea kentzeko ekipoa eta sinterizazio-prozesurako labea. Piezen inprimaziorako material grodina D-6 mm eta 150 mm luze den barra moduan aurkezten da, estrusio buruaren bidez berotzen dena eta geruzaz geruza inprimaketa-erretiluaren gainean uzten dena. Aldi berean, pieza eta euskarrien arteko muga zehazteko zeramikazko material bat ere erabiltzen da. Prozesua sinterizazioaren ondoren amaitzen da, non piezaren bolumena % 20 murrizten den, materialaren arabera% 97-99ko dentsitatea lortuz. Erabili daitezkeen materialak hauek dira: 17-4PH eta 316L (herdoilgaitzak), Cr-Mo 4140 altzairua, H13 erreminta-altzairua eta kobrea.
AM process validation
AM/3D Printing Process
Design for AM and Digital pre-processing
Materials for 3D/AM
Post process
Supporting technologies and processes
3D Studio System + printer
The printer uses a process called Bound Metal Deposition™ (BMD™) where composite bound metal rods (D-6 mm and length of 150 mm) are heated and extruded onto the build plate, shaping a part layer-by-layer.
- Materials: 17-4PH and 316L (stainless steels), Cr-Mo 4140 steel, H13 tool steel and copper
- Maximum printing volume: 305x205x205 mm3
- Minimum layer height of 50 microns and standard of 100-220 microns
- Resolution: depending on the extrusion head
Studio System+ Debinder
The piece printed in "green" is immersed in the debinder liquid to remove waxes or binder material from the piece obtaining a weight reduction of 4%
Studio System+ furnace
Initially, the piece is heated in a range of temperatures (200º- 600ºC) for the total elimination of the binding agents. Then the temperature is increased (+ -1400ºC) to fuse the dust particles and obtain a dense piece (97-99%).
Analysis and technical-economic validation of alternative manufacturing processes to the current ones, such as additive manufacturing, both for making and repairing parts, as well as for geometric modification of existing parts. The service is developed jointly with the customer.
Analysis and technical-economic validation of alternative manufacturing processes to the current ones, such as additive manufacturing, both for making and repairing parts, as well as for geometric modification of existing parts. The service is developed jointly with the customer.
Analysis and technical-economic validation of alternative manufacturing processes to the current ones, such as additive manufacturing, both for making and repairing parts, as well as for geometric modification of existing parts. The service is developed jointly with the customer.
Analysis and technical-economic validation of alternative manufacturing processes to the current ones, such as additive manufacturing, both for making and repairing parts, as well as for geometric modification of existing parts. The service is developed jointly with the customer.
Analysis and technical-economic validation of alternative manufacturing processes to the current ones, such as additive manufacturing, both for making and repairing parts, as well as for geometric modification of existing parts. The service is developed jointly with the customer.
Analysis and technical-economic validation of alternative manufacturing processes to the current ones, such as additive manufacturing, both for making and repairing parts, as well as for geometric modification of existing parts. The service is developed jointly with the customer.