X’Pert MRD diffractomer from PANalytical with Euler cradle. Ideal for measurement of residual stresses and crystallographic texture. Horizontal diffactometer with both Bragg-Brentano and parallel beam optics. Max. weight 500 g, max. height 24 mm. Two radiations available, Cu and Cr. Possibility of thin films characterization by Grazing Incidence X-Ray Diffraction. Software HIGH SCORE for phase identification; STRESS and TEXTURE for residual stresses and texture analysis, respectively. Indispensable technique for analysis and characterization of a wide range of materials.
Grinding and finishing technologies
Co and Cr X-ray tubes
Parallel beam optics (pollicapilar lens, parallel plate collimator, graphite flat monochromator). Small angle slits for Grazing Incidence X-Ray Diffraction.
X’Pert MRD diffractometer
X’Pert MRD diffractometer with Euler cradle, Cu radiation, Bragg-brentano optics, cross-slit collimator, programable receiving slit, Xe proportional detector, softwares Data Collector”, PC-STRESS and PC-TEXTURE
Measurement of the distribution of crystallographic orientations in bulk materials and thin films. Texture originates from forming processes of metallic materials, as well as after thin film deposition, in casting processes, etc.
Measurement of superficial residual stresses due to machining, forming processes, thermal treatment, welding processes, additive manufacturing, thin film deposition etc. Measurement as a function of depth by material elimination with electrolytic polishing. Stress analysis usually with sen2psi method; measurement both in PSi and OMEGA mode.
Identification of crystallographic phases present in a material and their quantification (Rietveld method) in both bulk (conventional incidence) and thin film (GIXRD) materials. Quantification of crystallite size and micro-stresses based on the width of the diffraction peaks.
Measurement of amount of retained austenite in hardened steels based on the integrated intensity of several austenite and ferrite diffraction peaks, according to ASTM E975.