3D ikuspen-sistemaren bidez gidatutako bin picking aplikazioetarako zelula robotikoa. 20 kg-ko kargak manipula ditzakeen Kuka besoarekin hornituta dago, eta modu kaotikoan pilatutako piezen saskia deskargatzeko gai da. Vicomtech-ek garatutako softwarea du, lan-agertokia eta manipulatzaile mota konfiguratzeko aukera ematen duena, eta pieza eta hartzeko puntuak zehazten ditu. Sistemak ibilbideak automatikoki planifikatzeko algoritmoak ditu, robotaren lan-espazioko elementuekin talka egitea saihesteko.
Advanced manipulation with robots
Ensenso X36 3D Vision System
3D camera using dot pattern projection
Kuka KR20 R1810
Robotic arm with 6 degrees of freedom with a load capacity of 20 kg.
Magnetic, pneumatic and gripper type manipulators
Tools for handling parts according to their geometry.
Picking DK Control and simulation software
Tools for layout definition, robot control, part detection through artificial vision and trajectory calculation
PLC/IPC Beckhoff
PLC that controls the cell and manages communications
Feasibility analysis for a specific type of part, to evaluate its viability and performance. The cell can be equipped with different types of manipulators and vision systems depending on the geometry of the part and the working conditions
Development of a simulated test of the complete picking process, using the PickingDK software. The simulation allows finding the optimal layout, as well as evaluating the performance of the robot model that is finally required to be used in the real application.