The laboratory provides hardware support, software tools and knowledge for the application of advanced signal processing and machine learning techniques to diagnostic and prediction problems in bioengineering. Hardware and software structures are provided for the treatment of large repositories of biosignals (ECG, bioimpedance, capnography, ...) and biomedical data (records of monitors, clinical data, ...). These structures allow the development of models and validation of technology / software for patient monitoring or diagnostic aid.
BIOPAC (Biopac Systems Inc.) portable platform for the acquisition and recording of biomedical signals. It includes 12-lead ECG, thoracic impedance and pulsioximetery.
Multichannel system PowerLab 26T (AD-Instruments) for monitoring and acquiring physiological signals. This portable system includes 3-lead ECG, finger/ear pulsioximeter and thoracic impedance. It can connected to an external PC.
Portable system for recording and monitoring non invasive cerebral oximetry, with three modules: 1 oximeter Niro-200NX (Hamamatsu) of high time-resolution and 2 acquisition channels, and 2 light portable devices SenSmart X-100 (Nonin) with 4 input channels. All modules equipped for out-of-hospital use.
System for data processing, computing and recording with two modules: 1) T-Series W Xeon server with 2 GPUs Gigabyte RTX 2080 Ti. 2) Workstation Asus ESC4000 Xeon Silver 4216, with 4 GPUs Geforce RTX 2080Ti (for applications of deep learning). Both are integrated in the communication network of the UPV/EHU.
Biomedical signal analysis
Design and validation of artificial intelligence models
Laboratory of medical signal acquisition
System for the compiling of biomedical records
Harremanetarako pertsona: Gorka Artola Beobide
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