Development of advanced numerical solutions for metal forming technologies (sheet metal forming, forging, rotative processes…) and joining technologies (mechanical joining, adhesive joining) of new materials and/or dissimilar materials (metal-metal, metal-composite). Generation of reduced models (IA) based on FEM data. It includes process validation and prediction of the influence of the forming/joining technologies in the in-service behavior of the components.
Computational numerical solutions applied to the
Harremanetarako pertsona: Amaia Arroyo
Utziguzu zu hobeto ezagutzen. Zure enpresaren produkzio-sistemaren eraginkortasuna hobetuko duten teknologia adimendunak eta material aurreratuak inplementatu nahi badituzu balio erantsi handiagoko soluzioak eskaintzeko, bete formulario hau.