Achucarroren gaixotasunen biomarkatzaileak detektatzeko plataformak ekipo automatizatu bat du, fluido biologikoetan biomarkatzaileak detektatzeko (odola, likido zefalorrakideoa, gernua), immunosaiakuntzen bidez, femtomolar-kontzentrazio batean. Plataforma honek hainbat eratako test diagnostikoak egiten esperientzia duen giza taldea du, patologia desberdinetarako, hainbat motatako laginekin, bai esperimentazioko animalietatik datozenak, bai, batez ere, gizakienak.
The SIMOA HD-1 platform, from Quanterix, is a immunoassays workbench with a high degree of automation, for the detection of biomarkers in biological fluids. Like any technology, this equipment requires for its use the specialized personnel of our center to obtain advanced results.
Main technical specifications
* Throughput of 3 plates every 8 hour shift. About 300 data points per day.
* Workflow, batch (plates or tubes)
* Total assay time is less than 2.5 hours per 96-well plate
* Hands-on time, startup time <20 minutes
* Sample input, 96-well plate and tubes
* Sample volume, 1 µl * - 100 µl
* Multiplex capability, up to 4-plex
* Assay flexibility, 1, 2 or 3-step assays, with variable incubation time and number of wash steps
Analysis of samples for the identification of biomarkers, in collaboration
Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience
Contact person: Jaime Sagarduy
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