Biomaterialen eta gailu medikoen ebaluazio biologiko eta fisikokimikoan espezializatutako laborategia, ISO-10993 arauean oinarritutako biokonpatibilitate probak, enpresek beren produktu medikoak CE markarekin ziurtatu ahal izateko.
Biomaterials room (porosimeter, HPLC, lyophilizer, incubators, precision balance, micro injector, roughness meter, AFM, Raman, extrusion bioprinter, 3D stereolithography (SLA), filament FDM, pellet FDM, electrospinning, screen printing)
Biotechnology room (laminar flow cabinet, climatic chamber, autoclave, incubators, precision balance, freeze drying, shaker, ultrasound bath, centrifuge, freezer, spectrophotometer, spectrofluorometer, horizontal and vertical electrophoresis, contact angle, coagulometer, stuffer, cryostat, microtome for histological samples preparation)
Cell-based assays room (incubators with CO2 control, thermal baths, biological safety cabinet, centrifuge, refrigerators, freezers, deep freezer, fluorescence microscope)
Biological tests (in vitro and in vivo)
Biomaterials characterisation
Cell-based tests
Microbiological tests
Nanotoxicology (in vitro and in vivo)
Toxicology (in vitro and in vivo)
Contact person: Noelia Alvarez Luque
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