Pertsona osasuntsuetan, goi mailako kirolarietan eta patologia sentsorimotor eta/edo muskuloskeletikoedun pertsonetan azterketa biomekanikoa, fisiologikoa eta funtzionala integratzeko laborategia. Laborategiaren dimentsio zabalak eta ekipamenduak azterketa horiek bakarka eta aldi berean burutzea ahalbidetzen dute. Prototipoen eta birgaitze eta/edo asistentzia mediko produktuen balioztatzea gauzatzeko aukera eskaintzen du, hala nola exoeskeletoak, protesiak, kirol errendimendura zuzendutako plantilak... edo adierazitako populazioetan interbentzio ezberdinen efektuak ebaluatzea.
3D Motion capture system: 12 infrared cameras (Vicon Bonita 10 y Vero 2.2), 2 video cameras (Vicon Vue), two force platforms (Bertec) and a 16 channel electromyiographic recorder (Myon 320)
Echography machine (GE Healthcare). This device allows to observe musculoskeletal architecture in real time.
Isokinetic evaluation device (Humac Norm). The system allows to measure the force, power, torque and proprioception of muscles involved in different joints and movement planes
Respiratory gas analyser (Ergostik) and treadmill. The system allows to gather data about the oxygen that is consumed and the carbon dioxide that is produced while performing a motor task.
Vicon-Nexus (Vicon) software pack for motion capture data processing, analysis and modelling
Biomechanical study
Ergometry/metabolic study
Musculoskeletal function evaluation study
Robotic technology evaluation
Contact person: Gorka Artola Beobide
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