C2 Biosegurtasun maila duen Mikrobiologia eta Immunologia laborategia. Hainbat ikerketa egiteko aukera ematen du, hala nola, zelulen kulturetan eta animalia eredu desberdinetan (Galleria mellonella, Mus musculus) infektibitate / birulentzia probak, azterketa proteogenomikoak (elektroforesia, western blots, microarrays, RNA seq, RT-qPCR, proteinen klonazioa, CRISPR-Cas9), antigorputz monoklonalak ekoiztea eta ingurumeneko, elikagaien eta mikroorganismo klinikoen detekzioa.
BioRad Model CFX96 Real-Time PCR System
Biosafety Cabinets-II (Telstar Bio-IIA)
CO2 culture oven for cell cultures (Memmert)
Deep freezing equipment at -80ºC (Haier Biomedical)
Equipment for performing one and two-dimensional electrophoresis, as well as for scanning of gels (Bio-Rad)
Antimicrobial susceptibility studies
Development of pathogen detection systems
Expression studies
Pathogenicity / virulence studies on animal models
Service Name (maximum 10 words) Pathogenicity studies on cell lines
Contact person: Gorka Artola Beobide
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