Prospectiva de tecnologías “Sheet Moulding Compounding”

Composites Martiartu
Composites Martiartu is located in Arrigorriaga in the Martiartu Industrial Park. The company was born in the 2000 as Mecanizados Martiartu. Initially they were dedicated to the machining of thermosets, thermoplastics and small assemblies. In these more than 20 years they have multiplied by 10 the initial staff. They are specialized in manufacturing of SMC parts, for sectors such as transport, electrics, telecommunications, construction, automotive and railway. In recent years we have grown both in the number of people employed and in facilities. For these two reasons they considered essential to bet on production methods according to Industry 4.0, which would allow them to adjust their costs to the maximum, and stay aligned with their objectives of entering these highly competitive markets.
Access to new markets and expand their range of capabilities and products by incorporating SMC (Sheet Moulding Compounding) technology, as it can help them to develop components with high performance, lightweight and, at the same time, in a competitive and sustainable way due to its high productivity and zero material waste.
Area of the company where the solution is focused:
Manufacture of other plastic products
Company size:
Manufacture of other plastic productsLocation:
Arrigorriaga (Bizkaia)Benefits of the Solution:
- Obtain improvements in time and availability since we have applied it in one of the presses we use to perform the SMC compression
- Get data about maintenance, making it possible to move from preventive maintenance to predictive maintenance
- Enable a better environmental management of waste such as the oil in the line circuit, the useful life of the machine elements, such as resistors, and of course, the efficiency of the process.
Incorporated Technologies:
- SMC (Sheet Moulding Compounding) technologies