The Genetics / Genomics Platform provides technical / scientific service, both for research and clinical assistance. We apply traditional techniques within Molecular / Genomic Biology such as sanger sequencing, fragment analysis, study of variations in the number of copies.
For all those genetic techniques there is an external certification; EQA-EMQN.
We have the Authorization as a Diagnostic Center by the GV Health Department and we are a reference center in the Basque Country as a Genetics Laboratory for Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis.
Diagnostiko molekularra
Genotipado serbitzua
Kopia zenbakien aldaketaren analisia
Preinplatazio diagnostikoa
SARS-CoV2 detekzioa
Sekuenzazio sanger serbitzua
Sekuenziazio masibo serbitzua
Harremanetarako pertsona: Ana Belén De la Hoz Rastrollo
Utziguzu zu hobeto ezagutzen. Zure enpresaren produkzio-sistemaren eraginkortasuna hobetuko duten teknologia adimendunak eta material aurreratuak inplementatu nahi badituzu balio erantsi handiagoko soluzioak eskaintzeko, bete formulario hau.