Tentsio ertaineko laborategi bat da, eta entseguetarako bi gune independente ditu. Gune bakoitzak 50 m2-tik gorako saiakuntza-eremu erabilgarria du, eta kontrol-bulego independente bat, saiakuntza-eremuarekin kontaktu bisuala izateko, pertsonentzako arriskurik gabe.
Laborategiaren gaitasunak:
- 30 kV-ko distribuzio-sarerako konexio zuzena.
- 4 MVA garatzea (1) 15 Vac maila 690 V eta 4780 V artean, eta (2) Vdc 930 V eta 6450 V artean.
- 2 MVA eta 3 MVA VRT sorgailuak.
- 2 MVA-ko arraste-motorra eta bihurgailua.
LVRT capacity up to 0 pu of 2 MVA and HVRT capacity up to 1.5 pu of 3 MVA
2 MVA power motor to regulate the driving torque
Three cells (600 A/30 kV) in SF6, three ac switches (one 1200 A/12 kV in SF6 and two 1200 A/ 690 V), eight contactors (five 600 A/4000 V and three 200 A/4000 V)
Dyn11 of powers between 1 MVA and 2.6 MVA at 30 kV/690 V
2 MVA 30 kV/2x690 V open D-secondary (two independent open D-secondary windings at the secondary). Together with a busbar cabinet, they are used to generate the 15 voltage levels mentioned in the description.
Characterization and testing of medium voltage semiconductors
Testing of electrical machines and transformers for medium-voltage distribution networks
Testing of power electronics systems under real medium voltage and high power conditions
Testing of switchgear insulation for medium voltage applications
Mondragón Goi Eskola Politeknikoa JMA SCoop
Contact person: Manex Barrenetxea Iñarra
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