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Artificial intelligence and cybersecurity laboratory


The cybersecurity laboratory offers solutions based on data analytics. The tools are devoted to tasks such as intrusion detection and, anomaly detection and predictive analysis among others. Our team is composed of statisticians, computer scientists and mathematicians which have experience both at academia and industry in designing and implementing machine learning tools, statistics for large data volumes, information extraction and prediction.


The high performance computational cluster offers high computational capacity for the experimental evaluations carried out. It has parallel computation and storage nodes of high capacity and performance and InfiniBand connection between nodes for minimum latency.

Our cluster has 8 Intel Xeon processor nodes with the following specifications:

Two dense nodes with the following specs
InfiniBand network and a 1Gb/s administration network.
4 Intel Xeon Gold processors (72 cores)
192 GB RAM
2 local hard drives of 1TB or more and configures in RAID1
InfiniBand connectivity, 56Gb/s
2 Ethernet ports, 1Gb/s (Gigabit Ethernet)
1 RJ45 port for IMM2 management
Redundant power supply
Compatible with Linux CentOS 7.2.1511
2U size

Six nodes with the following specs:
InfiniBand network and a 1Gb/s administration network.
2 Intel Xeon E5-2683 processors V4 (32 cores)
2 local hard drives of 1TB or more and configures in RAID1
InfiniBand connectivity, 56Gb/s
2 Ethernet ports, 1Gb/s (Gigabit Ethernet)
1 RJ45 port for IMM2 management
Redundant power supply
Compatible with Linux CentOS 7.2.1511
Compatible with Lenovo NeXtScale n1200 chassis

The job scheduler is the Slurm workload manager, which allows prioritising and the reservation of different resources. This job is the key to reserving resources (memory, CPU and storage) for the BCSC members or related projects.

The software in the cluster has been configured and optimized for computationally expensive operations. The installed software includes Intel and GNU Compilers, Parallel Matlab, GROMACS, FreeSurfer, R and many libraries for parallel and scientific computing.


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Data analysis for cybersecurity

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Development of optimisation and Big Data applications robust to attacks


BCAM - Basque Center for Applied Mathematics

Contact person: Miguel Aguilera

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