Produktu elektronikoen saiakuntza eta egokitasunaren ebaluaziorako laborategia, irrati-maiztasunean oinarritutako komunikazio-protokoloak egiaztatzeko bereziki hornitua: WiFi, Bluetooth, teknologia zelularrak (2G, 3G, 4G, C-V2X), NB-IoT, LTE Cat. M, ZigBee…
Instalazioetan honako hauek nabarmentzen dira: EMCren neurri erradiatuetarako arauzko kamera erdianekoiko bat, potentzia-anplifikadoreak, aurre- saiakuntzako kamera erdianekoiko bat produktuaren garapenetan erabiltzeko, Faradayren 3 kaiola, kamera akustikoa bat…
Normative semi-anechoic chamber for radiated EMC and Radius measurements at 3 meters
semi-anechoic precertification chamber for product developers usage in checking electromagnetic compatibility parameters
3 Faraday cages for conducted electromagnetic compatibility and electrical safety tests
Power amplifiers for conducted and radiated immunity testing
EMC Directive Conformity Assessment
RED directive conformity assessment
Validations with a technician in communication protocol development
Validations with or without a technician in HW developments
Contact person: Ibon Arechalde
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