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Cell for research on high precision parts


Cell for research and development of high precision grinding processes in small dimension parts from industrial sectors with high dimensional and surface quality requirements, in sectors such as automotive, optics, medicine, energy, aeronautics and aerospace.
The cell is composed by an horizontal cylindrical grinding machine equipped with a double rotating head, with the possibility of incorporating conventional and superabrasive wheels, which work at high cutting speed. The versatility of the machine allows to perform processes of plongeé, grinding of faces, and peel grinding.
A second equipment of the cell is a cylindrical grinding machine for grinding external, internal diamters and face grinding, with high precision and stability. The cell is completed with a centerless grinding machine of high grinding capacity that allows work in plongeé and throughfeed, for an extensive variety of parts geometries.
The three machines, connected to each other, can work independently or in combination, having a specific software interface (HMI), which allows intuitive and simple programming of the different cycles mentioned above, in addition to special cycles such as grinding of shapes (cams, eccentric).
The cell is completely monitored for the measurement of vibrations, forces, temperatures, in addition to the working parameters. This monitoring is transferred to the cloud platform from which the monitoring parameters are processed and analyzed, and is complemented by simulation models of the behavior of the three units that compose it.
The cell also has systems for non-destructive inspection (NDT) through ultrasonic, eddy current and active thermography. It has the ability to design specific sensors for applications and parts of interest, so that in addition to standard verification of the results of the processes studied and the rectified parts, customized solutions can be developed and tested.
The three units are connected to each other in addition to connecting to IDE.004 assets.


Centerless grinding machine for working in plongeé and throughfeed conditions, for an extensive variety of geometries of pieces.

Horizontal cylindrical grinding machine equipped with a double grinding wheel rotating head, with the possibility of incorporating conventional and superabrasive grinding wheels. The versatility of the machine allows to perform processes such as plongeé, grinding of faces, and peel grinding.

cylindrical grinding machine for high precision grinding OD, ID and faces, with high precision and stability

Equipment for verification of surface integrity, thermal damage and residual stresses through Ultrasound, Eddy Current and Active Thermography

Special programming algorithms that allow optimising the total grinding cycle by optimising the key parameters: precision, cycle time, energy consumption.


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Research on new grinding processes and special grinding cycles

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Research on the behavior of new advanced components: grinding wheels, cooling systems, measurement systems, special heads, dressing systems

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Tests on special production conditions for particular parts

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Training and updating of specialists



Contact person: RAFA LIZARRALDE

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