This logical asset seeks the complete digital transformation of the process industry through the implementation of a cyber-physical system based on a hyperconnected architecture for highly cognitive production plants (HyperCOG). Which allows the creation of flexible manufacturing environments capable of adapting to changing conditions through the use of advanced technologies and decision support systems, based on the use of process data in real time. For this reason, from the integration of disruptive technologies such as cognitive sensors, advanced data analytics, the Internet of Things or artificial intelligence, HyperCOG achieves a digital twin of the production process through a hyperconnected network of digital nodes that break with the structure communication classic. In this way, using high-performance computing capabilities, HyperCOG offers robustness to the process industry in different and uncertain scenarios.
Storage and capture equipment
Sensory and digital devices
Digitization of industrial processes
Contact person: Maitane Ipiñazar
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