Fabrikazio adimendunerako eta 4.0 Industria-ren ekoizpen-lerro baten barruan konektatutako Kontrol Dimentsionaleko Zelulak, optikoki eskaneatzeko (OptiScan) beso robotiko antropomorfiko bat duen Koordenatuak Neurtzeko Makina (CMM) bat du. Sei askatasun-graduri eta doitasun absolutuaren moduari esker, ABB IRB 2600ak malgutasuna, abiadura eta bateragarritasun handiagoa ematen du neurketan.
Honek, datuak bildu eta aztertzeko, makinak kontrolatzeko eta neurtzeko prozesuak simulatzeko ahalmenekin batera (M3), lan-fluxu malgua, dinamikoa eta adimenduna ematen du.
ABB IRB 2600 is part of the highly-precise new generation robotic arms with improved capacities and an Absolute Accuracy option. The robot has 6 degrees of freedom (non-cartesian system)
M3 software is a high performance software for the capture and analysis of point clouds
M3 server: the M3 database uses the standard VPX (Virtual Part Exchange) that allows the information to be stored, shared and filtered with great efficiency, connecting the database directly with the scanning system and the software.
OptiScan is a scanning laser sensor that allows to obtain high precision 3D digitalisations for reverse engineering applications, virtual metrology, automated inspection and robot guidance.
Analysis of the results
Automation and management of the quality
Measurement and quality control with robot
Optimization of 3D geometry
Quality control in-line of production
Contact person: Alicia González Cabestreros
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