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Laser equipment for selective polishing and/or texturing areas of parts manufactured by AM


Laser equipment allows the surface of a plastic or a metal material to be textured or to reduce the surface roughness, up to 60%, in specific areas of parts that require a specific surface finish different from the rest of the piece. By combining this asset with others available in CIDETEC, greater reductions in roughness can be achieved. There are 4 low power laser equipment (IR, UV, CO2 and green) configured to work mainly on pieces with plane or low curvature surfaces.
- CO2 laser (30W) (Easy Mark)
- Green laser (7W) (TruMark 3220)
- Nd: YAG laser (25W) (Rofin, Power line E25)
- UV Laser (5W) (TruMark 6350)
This asset is completed with:
• Equipment for the evaluation of surface roughness (currently off-line, expected to acquire in-line characterization equipment)
• Equipment for additional surface characterization (thermography, corrosion, wettability, brightness, mass loss, changes in geometry of the piece, etc.)
• Planned to acquire a monitoring and control software that facilitates the connectivity of the asset with an MES from which the manufacturing plant of the components as a whole will be managed.
The combination of this asset with the rest of the assets available for the post-processing of additive manufacturing parts (CID.001 and CID.002) allows having a complete line of post-processing of AM parts capable of treating components with different types of requirements and a wide variety of geometries.


CO2 nanosecond Laser with a maximum power of 30 W and a focal lens f80 that allow processing areas of 53x53 mm. The equipment works in pulsed mode with a beam size of approximately 100 microns under focusing conditions.

Equipment for the evaluation of surface roughness (contact profilometer, confocal microscope, AFM) and equipment for additional surface characterization (thermography, wettability, brightness, weight loss, changes in geometry of the piece, corrosion, etc.)

Green nanosecond laser with a maximum power of 7 W and a focal lens f160 that allow to process areas of 110x100 mm. The equipment works in pulsed mode with a beam size of approximately 30 microns under focusing conditions.

IR nanosecond laser with 25 W of maximum power and two focal lenses (f160 and f300) that allow processing areas of 120x120 mm and 240x240 mm. The equipment can work either in pulsed or continuous mode. The approximate beam size in focusing conditions is 40 microns and 70 microns, depending on the focal lens. This equipment is also equipped with software that allows focusing the laser beam over a high range of heights (Fast Focusing Module). It also has a rotary axis of parts.

Nanosecond UV Laser with 25 W of maximum power and a focal lens f160 that allow processing areas of 80x80 mm. The equipment works in pulsed mode with a beam size of approximately 35 microns in focusing conditions.


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Contact person: Gemma Vara Salazar

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