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Near Net Shape lantegi pilotua


Ceit-eko aktiboak hainbat ekipo konbinatzen ditu zeintzuk, hauts metalurgian 30 urtetik gorako esperientziari esker, osagai konplexuak sortzeko aukera ematen dute materialaren erabilera optimizatuz. Horrela, osagai handiak, hautsen HIP (prentsaketa isostatikoa berotan) prozesuaren bidez ( ekoiztu daitezke; osagai konplexuak, kopuru mugatuan, gehikuntza bidezkofabrikazio bidez; tamaina ertain, konplexu eta kopuru handiagoan, prentsaketa eta sinterizio bidez; txikiak, konplexuak eta kantitate handiagoan, metal injekzio moldekatze (MIM) bidez; eta zati simetrikoak, estrusio bidez. Gainera, aktiboa osatzen duten instalazioek errendimendua doitzeko aukera zabaltzen dute, tratamendu termikoen eta neurrira bereziki diseinatutako hautsekin egindako estalduren bidez.


Extrusion Unit for Powder feed stock

Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) is a process to densify metallic powders or additive manufacturing, cast and sintered parts in a furnace combining high pressure and temperature. The gas (usually argon) pressure acts uniformly in all directions to provide isostropic properties and 100 % densification. It provides many benefits and has become a viable and high performance alternative to conventional processes such as forging, casting and machining in many applications. Main equipment: ASEA QIH6 HIP press with a working zone of diameter 120 mm and height 200mm.The maximum work temperature is 2000 ºC and the maximum operating pressure is 1500 bar.

The MRF furnace is built for CEIT. The system is a versatile furnace with a high vacuum system, inert and hydrogen gas system. This furnace provides numerous atmospherics conditions (high vacuum, pure hydrogen and hydrogen-inert mixes) at temperatures up to 1800ºC. It is a batch furnace, with an effective chamber of 300x300x300 mm, featuring repeatable and accurate processing conditions. Also provides a gas quenching system.

The multifunction laser cell is a complete operative system installed at Ceit-IK4 used to perform four different applications: Additive manufacturing of metallic parts by LMD, Cladding of metallic parts fabricated by other methods in order to repair them or provide them with additional functionalities, laser thermal treatment (hardening or softening) or surface finishing (cleaning and polishing) of metallic parts, remote laser welding with and without filler material. Main equipment: 4KW fiber laser from IPG, cladding head with a motorized collimator and a melt-pool closed-loop control system (first two applications) and a 3D laser scanner (two last applications).

The Servosis Press is a 100 Tm servo-hydraulic uniaxial press. It has two independent hydraulic actuators, and the load and displacement are recorded in both actuators in every moment, having the capability of transform this parameters in density vs load chart in a single piece pressing process. Also we are able to obtain shrinkage measurements in green pieces and sample extraction process data.


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Cladding and Welding

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Demonstrators and Prototypes

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Superficial Heat Treatments

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Volumetric Heat Treatment



Contact person: Iñigo Iturriza Zubillaga

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