Improved cutting-edge radii for superfinishing of printed components in metal additive manufacturing

Metal Estalki
Metal Estalki is a company located in Zamudio which has been offering since 2001 its PVD coating services at a national level. The PVD coating is a small ceramic layer with a thickness of a few microns that provides tools an increase in surface hardness that improves their performance. The areas in which its clients operate are the automotive, stamping and machining, aeronautics and space, agrifood and medical-surgical sector.
To develop an innovative treatment for the finishing operations of superalloy parts used in aeronautics and produced by additive manufacturing.
Area of the company where the solution is focused:
Company size:
Metal proccesing and coatingLocation:
Zamudio (Bizkaia)Benefits of the Solution:
- Improvement of the tool
- Comercialization of new surface treatments
- Opening of new markets
Incorporated Technologies:
- 3D microscopy system
- Selective Laser Melting (SLM)
- Nanocomposite technology