HW ekipoen multzoa, SW tresnak eta metodologia, kontrako ingurune industrialetarako (fabrikazioa, mugikortasuna, energia…) haririk gabeko komunikazio sendoen soluzioak denbora errealean garatzeko eta/edo balioztatzeko.
Channel characterization system capable of measure static channels with a 100MHz bandwidth and dynamic channels with a 50MHz bandwidth and a Doppler spectrum up to 600Hz. This system is formed by:
• Keysight’s Vector Signal Analyser M9018A:
Working frequency: 1 MHz – 6 GHz
BW: 160 MHz
• Generator:
Working frequency: 250 KHz – 6 GHz
BW: 100 MHz
• Processing SW
100MHz BW static channels
50MHz BW Dynamic channels and up to 600Hz Doppler effect.
• Keysight’s Vector Signal Generator E4438C for the range from 250kHz to 6GHz.
• Proprietary processing SW to obtain TDL (tap-delay line) channel model that can be used in the channel emulator.
The wireless communication channel emulator was implemented on a Xilinx’s ZCU102 de evaluation board, based on the MPSoC Zynq UltraScale+, which allows a 100% of customization. Channel emulator’s features are:
• 4 RF bidirectional ports
• Emulation band from 400MHz to 6GHz (using 100MHz bandwidth signals)
• Up to 10 taps per channel (using 100MHz bandwidth signals)
• Low scale multipath
• Doppler Fading
• Pathloss and shadowing.
• Trusty communications for harsh environments algorithm and library based on NETWORK CODING (register SS-475-14).
• Registers: Time-triggered communications architecture for robust wireless network communications in harsh environments (register SS-137-15).
• CANOPEN - Node simulator (register VI-33-20)
• Patent No.:16382548.2-1862: Communication system and method for simultaneous data transmissions.
• Patent EP20382008.9: A method for time synchronization between a master and at least one slave.
• Patent EP18382157.8: Wireless communications system and associated method
Characterization of wireless communications channels
Emulation of wireless communication channels
Solutions for robust wireless communications
Contact person: Xabier Eguiluz
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