Fabrikazio programaren arabera elkarlanean aritzen diren, konfiguratzen diren eta muntaia bakoitzeko automatikoki aldatzen diren bi robotez osaturiko zelula, horrela:
-Hainbat tamainatako pieza soldatu astunen erabilera eraginkorra eta segurua integratzen du.
- Leku eskaerak murrizten ditu
- Soldadura trinkoak sortzen ditu piezen kalitatea hobetzeko.
Cell of two robots that collaborate, configure and change automatically for each final assembly according to the manufacturing program so that:
-Integrates efficient and safe handling of heavy weldments of various sizes
-Minimize floor space requirements
-Produces consistent welds to improve part quality
Feasibility analysis, parameterization, additive manufacturing, joining and training
Contact person: Eider Gorostegui
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