Additive manufacturing of a refractory plate prototype for slide valve

Deguisa was created in 1966 as a company dedicated to the engineering, design and manufacture of refractory linings and materials along with combustion and control equipment. Since 1974, Deguisa has a factory in Amurrio for the assembly of slide valve systems and their commercialisation. The company provides as well solutions for multiple sectors such as the iron and steel, ceramic frits, incineration, electric energy generation, waste management, cement and petrochemical industries.
Deguisa had to adapt to new discoveries in the sector that were to replace the traditional methods. The company decided to research the most appropriate additive manufacturing methods for refractory raw materials.
Area of the company where the solution is focused:
Company size:
Refractory materialLocation:
Amurrio (Araba)Benefits of the Solution:
- Development of more versatile products
- Opening of new business lines
- Generation of more complex geometries
Incorporated Technologies:
- Development of printable material
- High temperature heat treatment