X’Pert MRD diffractomer from PANalytical with Euler cradle. Ideal for measurement of residual stresses and crystallographic texture. Horizontal diffactometer with both Bragg-Brentano and parallel beam optics. Max. weight 500 g, max. height 24 mm. Two radiations available, Cu and Cr. Possibility of thin films characterization by Grazing Incidence X-Ray Diffraction. Software HIGH SCORE for phase identification; STRESS and TEXTURE for residual stresses and texture analysis, respectively. Indispensable technique for analysis and characterization of a wide range of materials.
Parallel beam optics (pollicapilar lens, parallel plate collimator, graphite flat monochromator). Small angle slits for Grazing Incidence X-Ray Diffraction.
X’Pert MRD diffractometer with Euler cradle, Cu radiation, Bragg-brentano optics, cross-slit collimator, programable receiving slit, Xe proportional detector, softwares Data Collector”, PC-STRESS and PC-TEXTURE
Crystallographic texture
Measurement of residual stresses
Phase identification and quantification by conventional and grazing incidence in different materials and thin films. Quantification of crystallite size and micro-stresses.
Quantification of fraction of retained austenite in steels
Contact person: Carmen García-Rosales
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