High throughput and monitoring of assembly lines

Mondragon Assembly
Mondragon Assembly is a company located in Guipuzcoa, with more than 40 years of experience in the automation of industrial processes, offering its customers automated assembly lines and equipment.
Thanks to technologies such as AI, Big Data and Cloud or IoT, the company has managed to move towards an advanced and proactive support service, which has allowed them to guarantee that the manufacturing lines they provide to their customers achieve high efficiency in terms of availability, performance and quality, as well as solving the need for fast production lines with high availability and a low error parameter.
Mondragon Assembly tells you all about it!
To ensure a high level performance of the manufacturing lines. The developed solution goes first through defining customer processes, which generates a lot of data that is captured and stored, and the subsequent integration both on the shop floor and in the Cloud.
Area of the company where the solution is focused:
Company size:
Aretxabaleta (Gipuzkoa)Benefits of the Solution:
- Process control analytics
- Predictive maintenance services using anomaly detection techniques
- More controlled, robust and competitive production lines
- Remote, immediate and high quality service
Incorporated Technologies:
- Cloud
- Big Data
- IoT
- AI