Automated intralogistics, guaranteed availability

Ulma Handling Systems is a large company that offers intralogistics solutions to multiple sectors and is located in Oñati (Guipuzkoa). The company identified two principal needs in logistics and supply chain management; firstly, the need to provide their customers with an automated intralogistics facility to guarantee the highest availability rates and, secondly, to monitor all the elements of the automated facility for a more proactive service, identifying possible improvements and modifications in advance of events.
Thanks to the implementation of IoT, Cloud and Simulation/Interaction technologies, they have managed to develop new telematic services which provide a commercial and competitive advantage through the improvement in process efficiency provided by real-time monitoring.
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- To provide the customer with an automatic intralogistics system that guarantees the highest availability rates
- Monitoring all elements of the automated installation for a more proactive service by identifying possible improvements in advance so that intervention teams can act more quickly.
Area of the company where the solution is focused:
Logistics and Supply management
Company size:
Oñati (Gipuzkoa)Benefits of the Solution:
- Development of new telematic services.
- Achievement of commercial and competitive differential.
- Improving process efficiency.
Incorporated Technologies:
- Internet of things (IoT)-Management platform
- Big Data-Cloud-Data Storage
- Simulation and Interaction-Customer interaction platform