Optimal management of energetic efficiency through consumption monitoring

Airlan is a manufacturer of air conditioning equipment based in Bilbao (Vizcaya) that offers a wide range of products and services throughout Spain. The company’s goal is to optimise energy management, allowing the building operator make a significant economic and environmental savings along the life cycle of the installation.
In order to do so, Arlan uses technologies such as IoT, Big Data, Cloud, and AI, as well as energy consumption analysis techniques. Monitoring procedures enable the design of energy efficiency solutions adapted to the specific needs of each building. At the same time, the developed solutions ensure the continuity of supply by efficient predictive maintenance.
Do you want to know more? Airlan tells you all about it!
Air conditioning equipment solutions that integrate state data of the building, monitoring energy consumption through magnified view of the equipment, project management and also making possible augmented maintenance of the equipment.
Cloud data management, reachable at any time and from any place, and also able to real time self-update.
Area of the company where the solution is focused:
Air conditioning equipment
Company size:
Air conditioning equipmentLocation:
Bilbao (Bizkaia)Benefits of the Solution:
- Monitoring of energy consumption
- Augmented air conditioning equipment maintenance
- Augmented view of air conditioning equipment
Incorporated Technologies:
- Binding Information Modeling (BIM)
- Augmented reality
- Blockchain
- Machine Learning
- Big Data
- Cloud